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Habit Tracking Worksheet

Access the work sheet.

  1. Fill out the Habit Tracking Worksheet with details about the habit you’re tracking.
  2. Be consistent in tracking your habits daily or as scheduled.
  3. Note whether you successfully completed the targeted behavior and provided yourself with the specified reward.
  4. Reflect on your progress and consider whether any adjustments to your Habit Loop are necessary for better results.
  5. Continue tracking until the habit becomes automatic, at which point you can stop tracking.

Decoding Consequences

Engage in a conversation with a loved one or a close friend about potential behavior changes. Ask them to suggest one behavior you could change and, in return, name one of your favorite behaviors. Share your insights and discuss, in the space provided, how these changes might impact your lives positively.

Behavior Suggestion from Loved One: ______________________

Their Favorite Behavior of Yours: ______________________


  • Exchange thoughts on the suggested behavior change and your favorite behavior.
  • Explore potential positive consequences of the suggested change.

Define Your Core Values

Reflect on your life and identify three core values that truly resonate with your authentic self. Consider experiences, relationships, and moments that deeply matter to you. Write a brief explanation for each value, detailing why it is important to you and how it influences your decisions.

Habit Tracking Worksheet

Access the work sheet.

  1. Fill out the Habit Tracking Worksheet with details about the habit you’re tracking.
  2. Be consistent in tracking your habits daily or as scheduled.
  3. Note whether you successfully completed the targeted behavior and provided yourself with the specified reward.
  4. Reflect on your progress and consider whether any adjustments to your Habit Loop are necessary for better results.
  5. Continue tracking until the habit becomes automatic, at which point you can stop tracking.

Decoding Consequences

Engage in a conversation with a loved one or a close friend about potential behavior changes. Ask them to suggest one behavior you could change and, in return, name one of your favorite behaviors. Share your insights and discuss, in the space provided, how these changes might impact your lives positively.

Behavior Suggestion from Loved One: ______________________

Their Favorite Behavior of Yours: ______________________


  • Exchange thoughts on the suggested behavior change and your favorite behavior.
  • Explore potential positive consequences of the suggested change.

Define Your Core Values

Imagine yourself in three different scenarios, each reflecting a different aspect of your life. For each scenario, write down your stream-of-consciousness responses to the questions provided. Try to immerse yourself fully in each scenario and describe what you see, hear, and feel, as well as what makes each scenario appealing to you.

Scenario 1: Your Ideal Day Imagine waking up on a perfect day where everything falls into place. Describe this day from start to finish, focusing on the activities, interactions, and feelings that make it special.

  1. What do you see around you as you start your day?
  2. What activities are you engaged in throughout the day?
  3. Who are you spending time with, and what are your interactions like?
  4. How do you feel as the day unfolds, and what moments stand out to you?
  5. What values are being fulfilled during this ideal day, and why are they important to you?

Scenario 2: Achieving a Personal Goal Visualize yourself accomplishing a significant personal goal that you’ve been working towards. Describe the journey leading up to this achievement and the emotions that accompany it.

  1. What goal have you set for yourself, and why is it important to you?
  2. Describe the steps you’ve taken to work towards this goal.
  3. What obstacles have you encountered along the way, and how have you overcome them?
  4. How do you feel as you finally achieve your goal?
  5. What values have guided you throughout this journey, and how have they contributed to your success?

Scenario 3: Making a Difference Envision yourself making a positive impact on others or your community. Describe the actions you take and the ripple effects they have on those around you.

  1. What cause or issue are you passionate about, and why does it matter to you?
  2. How do you contribute to making a difference in this area?
  3. What challenges do you face in your efforts to create change, and how do you address them?
  4. Describe the impact your actions have on others and the community.
  5. What values are driving your desire to make a difference, and what does this endeavor give you personally?

Take your time with each scenario and allow your thoughts to flow freely. Reflect on your responses afterward to identify any recurring themes or values that emerge across the different scenarios. These themes can provide insight into your core values and what matters most to you in life.

Habit Tracking Worksheet

Access the work sheet.

  1. Fill out the Habit Tracking Worksheet with details about the habit you’re tracking.
  2. Be consistent in tracking your habits daily or as scheduled.
  3. Note whether you successfully completed the targeted behavior and provided yourself with the specified reward.
  4. Reflect on your progress and consider whether any adjustments to your Habit Loop are necessary for better results.
  5. Continue tracking until the habit becomes automatic, at which point you can stop tracking.