Post Type ArchivesAssignments


Decoding Consequences

Engage in a conversation with a loved one or a close friend about potential behavior changes. Ask them to suggest one behavior you could change and, in return, name one of your favorite behaviors. Share your insights and discuss, in the space provided, how these changes might impact your lives positively.

Behavior Suggestion from Loved One: ______________________

Their Favorite Behavior of Yours: ______________________


  • Exchange thoughts on the suggested behavior change and your favorite behavior.
  • Explore potential positive consequences of the suggested change.

Define Your Core Values

Reflect on your life and identify three core values that truly resonate with your authentic self. Consider experiences, relationships, and moments that deeply matter to you. Write a brief explanation for each value, detailing why it is important to you and how it influences your decisions.

Define Your Core Values

Reflect on your life and identify three core values that truly resonate with your authentic self. Consider experiences, relationships, and moments that deeply matter to you. Write a brief explanation for each value, detailing why it is important to you and how it influences your decisions.

Decoding Consequences

Engage in a conversation with a loved one or a close friend about potential behavior changes. Ask them to suggest one behavior you could change and, in return, name one of your favorite behaviors. Share your insights and discuss, in the space provided, how these changes might impact your lives positively.

Behavior Suggestion from Loved One: ______________________

Their Favorite Behavior of Yours: ______________________


  • Exchange thoughts on the suggested behavior change and your favorite behavior.
  • Explore potential positive consequences of the suggested change.